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Industrial routes in Cartagena

In the last few years, a great job has been done regarding the recovery of the mining heritage and promotion of the cultural tourism on behalf of the "Fundación Sierra Minera" (the Mining Association of the mountain range) and of the different administrations, being crucial vectors for the development of this territory. Several heritage and environmental routes have been developed. They go across the most emblematic places of this mining area, which are offered from "Centro de Interpretación de La Mina Las Matildes", Interpretive centre of Las Matildes Mine " and the "Mining park" in "La Unión".

To go deep inside the "Sierra Minera" (the mining mountain range) it's a experience that will not disappoint the visitor: it is indeed a uniquely beautiful territory full of places where the mining activity has left an evident trace.

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1. The mines of the Beal,  "Las Matildes" and  "Mina Blanca" mines  

“Las Matildes” mine has been converted into the "Centro de Interpretación de la mirería y el medio ambiente" from "Sierra Minera de Cartagena- La Unión" by the members of "Fundación Sierra Minera". This old mining installation has a massive heritage value and its origin dates back to the 19th century. It is located in the "Paraje de la Mina Blanca", (an area within the White Mine) and belongs to the delegation of the "Beal". "Matildes" has been turned into an open interpretative space where you'd be able to explore the different roles of mining and its traces on the landscape in a very didactic and pleasant way. San Quintín and the White Mine were both devoted to the water extraction for the water-drainage of the mining river basin from the beginning of the 20th century. Although, they were created for the extraction of lead between 1864 and 1871, within the context of the mining boom that was crucial for the history of Sierra of Cartagena-La Union.  The Mine of "Las Matildes" keeps among other attractiveness (such as a 225 meter deep well and a small underground service gallery), the rest of the extraction machinery that made the mining cages work (elevators) that were hanging of their impressive metallic tower, which is perhaps most beautiful, elegant and streamlined tower of all the mining region and whose constructive system and its general appearance resemble much a small scale of the Eiffel tower. The Matildes mine is an excellent starting point to come near the great deal that the Mining Mountain range offers the visitor. This center has a service called "ecotourism" and cultural tourism, with a wide range of itineraries and guided tours either by car, which will allow the visitor to discover surprising places, or by foot which will take you through a lansdcape of impossible colors, massive hack mines, and manifold elements of industrial archaeology (towers, chimneys, furnaces, laundries…) along with areas of great environmental interest and a great variety of flora and fauna.

The visit to the Matildes can be taken in a route departing form the "Paraje del Descargador" (an area named "the unloader"), where the remainings of the mining tower made of stone and brick can be found, along with old miner's houses digged in caves and ruins of laundries on a landscape surrounded by marshlands. At the "Descargador" there is train stop from the F.E.V.E railway (the slow speed rail) whose layout corresponds with the old mining train that carried the minerals from the mining mountain range till Cartagena's port. From here the route continues towards the area of the “Matildes” and goes through "Rambla del Picharro" (a nearby promenade) whose landscape looks like one of the most accused miner stamps due to the presence of a great number of well mouths, marshes, damps and also laundry remains and smeltings in the area. Finally we will get to the interpreting centre of the “Matildes” mine and the mining area of the Beal, where the presence of the complex of Mina Blanca is also worth highlighting. This is the only mine that belongs to “Cornish” architecture, origined in England, within the whole mining region.

2.     The Mining Park of "La Unión" and the 33 highway 

With a total of 50,000 square meters, the mining park in "La Unión" it is a very important gesture representing the reinstallment of the mining historical heritage, to be greatly valued as both cultural and touristic attraction. Therefore, it implies the recovery of a wide complex of mining installments in the Unión area of the 19th and 20th centuries which allow us to look at the complete process of the old underground mining industry, from the extraction of the mineral, to its washing and concentration, and the later metal providing from the smeltings. It allows us to see how the old miners lived and worked in "Sierra de La Unión".

Among the recovered elements of industrial archaeology some of the ones standing out are a whole series of mining facilities that include old tin vein of the "Mina Remunerada" mineral laundries, sterile marshes, old smelting remainings, dumps, calcination furnaces and old mines of underground works such as "Pablo and Virginia". Besides the spectacular "Mina Agrupa Vicenta" (one of the old mines) that was devoted to pyrite extraction from 1869 to the second half of the 20th century and in which 3000 square meters of galleries and storage chambers (some of them over 80 meters deep) have been opened to the public. The operaional method of this underground mine was the one of cameras and pillars, very representative of the mountain range.  The mineral was distributed and looked for in mantle shape: the mineral layer was leaning, and because of that the mine, in which that leaning was followed to obtain the mineral can also be found in several operating levels (the fifth level is flooded).  That same water that has been filtered and stored in the bottom level has somehow formed a beautifully curious lake of a reddish color.  It is important to highlight that the whole of the mine has been tuned into a museum-like space, equipped by audio-visual items, special effects and dramatization, which all together will take the visitor to the years of mining operation, making him/her live the real experience of how it was to work so hard under the ground.

The Highway  of 33,  the place where the mining park of La-Unión is located, is one old ways which the miners used to get access to the mines and that connects the villege of Unión with Portmán, having great environmental, geologic and mining value.  Amongst the the highlighted places we have the "Crisoleja" with its almost martian aspect, with red rocks and minerals, and the "Corta San José" its enormous ditches and landfills and also the footpath of the 'Lajas" which shows volcanic material outcrops.

3. Other routes through the mining mountain range

The mining mountain range offers numerous possibilities to do hiking routes where all these remarkable places can be included.   To be able to go through the different routes along the mining region it is important to say that in some areas there are certain risks such as well mouths and caverns, which are very close to some of these mining elements of interest, so caution is to be taken into account. Whenever it's possible, it is best to do the routes with a guide.  Among the main itineraries we have:

Route La Unión - Portmán

One of the most interesting itineraries as far as the heritage and the landscape are concerned is the route towards the old bay of Portmán, where the mountain range joins the sea. It is recommended to do it by car or motorcycle,so you would be able to stop whenever you like: an open cast quarry "Corta Brunita" with a surprising lake painted in reddish colors, the channel of the old promenade "Rambla del Avenque" in which one can find mining reminings such wells, towers, chimneys, furnaces, etc. You can visit the ruins of the house of machines and the metallic tower of "Mina Permuta" where the access goes through a colorful tunnel and a footpath that hangs on top of cliffs to finally arrive to “Portus Magnus” named (Portmán) by the Romans. You could get to know the old port with no water and flooded instead by sterile from the "Lavadero Roberto", where the differential flotation technique for mineral washing was used.

Within the architectonic heritage of Portmán many things are remarkable: the "Casa del Tío Lobo" (uncle's Lobo house), a mansion which belonged to one of the most famous mining industralists of the area (Miguel Zapata), and the old "Hospital de Caridad" (charity hospital) that holds the Archaeological Museum. This museum has pieces have been digged out from several archaeological deposits within the area, such as the standing out multicolor mosaics of "Villa romana de Paturro" (a well known Roman Village).

Route "El Llano-El Lirio"

Starting off from the mining town of "El Llano" we can do a route that takes us from moon lunar like lands that are tremendously transformed by "Cortas Mineras". Then, we can look at the different mining-industrial facilities and continue to the forest area of "Cabezo de Ponce" where the "Lavadero de El Lirio" (one of the mineral laundries) is located. It keeps the remaining of an old mineral way of transport with a stone frame that forms arcs that resemble the structure of an old aqueduct.

Visits to the city center of "La Unión" and "Cartagena"

In the city centre of the main towns in the "Sierra Minera" a great architectural legacy can also be found, coming from the old mining ages of wealth. Thus, some of the main ones are in "La Unión" the Old Public Market, a cultural flag of the city and one of the modernist jewels of the region which is also the place where the "Cante de las Minas" festival takes place: the "Casa del Piñón" (pinenut house) , being one of the best examples of eclectic architecture from Murcia or the "Rosario" church with a cathedral-like touch. We have to also highlight the building of the old "Liceo de Obreros" (working men grammar school) where the interesting Mining Museum of the city is settled nowadays.

The city of Cartagena hostes a wide variety of buildings related to the thriving mining activity of this region from the mid 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.  The main streets in the old town of the harbor city have mansions and palaces of rich miners like the Cervantes House, Dorda House, Maester House, Zapata House or the palace of Aguirre, all of them built in the prevailing architectonic styles that happened in that area in the mining boom: eclectic and modernist. Many of the door-knockers and callers of these houses were made by the "Compañía Metalúrgica de San Juan de Alcaraz" (Metallurgical Company of San Juan of Alcaraz).